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Keith N. Hylton, a professor of law at Boston University, has published numerous articles in American law journals and peer-reviewed law and economics journals. His antitrust textbook, Antitrust Law: Economic Theory and Common Law Evolution, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2003. View full faculty profile.
Research Assistants
- Sean Miller
- Nicola Leiter
- Achal Oza
- Kaj Rozga
- Jacob Schneider
- Helen Hostetter
- Lynne Myhre
- Katerina Novak
- Marc Shapiro
- Jacqueline Lee
In addition to their own research, some of the authors have relied on translations and additional research by Boston University graduate and law students, especially Dena Milligan and Andrea Tkacikova.
Special thanks to Matt Grayson for designing the site logo.
Suggested Citation Format
[Signal] Keith N. Hylton et al., [article/page/report name], Antitrust World Reports, available at [URL location] [(optional other parenthetical)] (as of [date], [time] GMT).
- Keith N. Hylton et al., Antitrust World Reports, available at (as of October 10, 2007, 05:30 PM GMT).
- Keith N. Hylton et al., Country Report: Romania (December 10, 2003), Antitrust World Reports, available at (noting Romania's ban on tying) (as of October 10, 2007, 05:30 PM GMT).
Notice on Accuracy of Data is a unique research tool. It is designed not for formal publication, but as a means to methodically draw-out factual information regarding the ever-changing body of international competition law. The authors assert only that the data on these pages is accurate to the best of their knowledge. The authors readily welcome and encourage any outside expertise on a particular jurisdiction's formal law or the extent of its enforcement.
Research Support
The authors thank Boston University School of Law and Microsoft Corporation for research support.
Publications Based on this Database
- Keith N. Hylton and Fei Deng, Antitrust Around the World: An Empirical Analysis of the Scope of Competition Laws and Their Effects, 74 Antitrust L.J. 2 (2007). This article is available at
Databases Notes
Special Reports
- Predatory Pricing Report
- Competition Enforcement Budgets
- Penalties Report
- EU Competition Law Enforcement: The Pharma Sector Inquiry
- American Legal Perspectives on China’s Landmark Anti-Monopoly Rulings
- Industry Standard Setting and Antitrust
Country Reports
The following data represents a comprehensive survey of current antitrust regimes throughout the world. The original texts of individual statutes in each country were examined for the presence of various elements. Each included country receives an individual report here that indicates the presence or absence of these various elements in the country’s statutes. The presence of an element is accompanied by a short explanation and/or citation to the applicable statute. The elements themselves are defined here. Some definitions are broad and could be divided into subcategories, in these cases, detailed comments are provided. Each report also includes a numerical score for comparison across countries and regions, or for empirical analysis.
Europe: European Union | |
Member Countries |
Europe: Non-European Union | ||||||||||||||||||||
Central and Southern Africa | |||||||||||||||||||
Middle East and Northern Africa | ||||||||||||||
Oceania | ||||||
North America | ||||||
Caribbean | |||||
Central America | ||||||||||||
South America | |||||||||||